Published: 7 YEARS AGO | Last updated 2 MONTHS AGO
person holding car key out of a car window

10 Tips for Car Shopping Like a Pro

Vehicle buyers who get the best deals have one thing in common—they don’t step foot onto a lot or seller website without a plan.

Here are ten tips to help you prepare for your next car-shopping trip:

  1. Research the worth of your trade-in. Don’t rely on a dealer to tell you that information—have it in your head before you shop and go in prepared to use it as a negotiating tool.

  2. Arrange financing in advance. If possible, secure financing before you start shopping. More than likely, you’ll get a better interest rate and payment plan. Whether you choose your current financial institution or compare rates with new ones, know what you can afford ahead of time to stay on budget.

  3. Email the dealers. Email five to ten dealerships in your area. Clearly outline the type of vehicle you’re looking for and key must-haves. Let them know you’ve also contacted other dealerships. This tactic is intended to eliminate the pressure, runaround and hidden fees, hopefully resulting in two or three dealers willing to make a quick deal. Bonus: They will already know what you want!

  4. Know what you should pay. Since you already know what you want and how much you should get for your trade-in, you should also know what you can afford to pay. Research rebates, sales and invoice prices.

  5. Take your time. Buying a vehicle is a big decision. More than likely you will be living with it for quite a while. Don’t rush or you’re apt to make mistakes. In the event your situation calls for expedience, compare pricing to get the best deal—including the sticker price.

  6. Ask for an itemized offer. Some dealers reduce the vehicle price during the negotiation and then add hidden fees when they write up the contract. If you find a car you’re interested in, ask for an itemized offer listing the sales price, taxes, registration fees and trade-in amount. Compare this offer to those from other dealers.

  7. Take a test drive—a long one. Driving around the block or down the street and back just isn’t enough of a quality indicator on the vehicle. Get to know this potential new member of your family. Test all the functions—pair it with your phone and drive it on terrain similar to where you drive on a regular basis: freeway, surface streets, off-road?

  8. Read every word of the fine print. The extra time at the dealership will be worth it in the long run. In addition to watching for sneaky charges, it’s also wise to understand the deal correctly before signing. As a buyer, it’s important to ensure that you’re getting everything you discussed instead of finding out months, or even years, down the road that you understood the contract differently.

  9. Leave emotion at the door. This one’s a little tougher—especially for car enthusiasts. It’s hard not to get excited about a car you love! But, you’ll be better off if you leave your heart out of the buying process. Once it’s yours, let your heart rule all it wants!

  10. Be willing to walk away. You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating. When we’re talking about getting the best deal on the right car, there’s a reason you make a plan. To stay within budget, use a loan calculator. If the deal isn’t right, it’s okay to say no. There are other dealers and other cars out there.

Now that you have an outline for a good car-buying plan, it’s time to start looking for your next set of wheels. Then, get ready to hit the open road!

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