NOTICE: The financial community is seeing an aggressive increase in scams and phishing.   Learn how you can protect your business

Detect and prevent fraudulent transactions

Positive Pay

Add fraud prevention services to your Mountain America business account with Positive Pay.
Relaxing woman
Aspen leaves background

Protect your business from unauthorized transactions

Positive Pay is a fraud detection tool that can help protect your business from unauthorized checks and ACH debit transactions. Checks and transactions that have their payment amounts altered or come from stolen check stock will be flagged. It’s an easy way to prevent fraud and monetary losses.

Mountain America offers two options—Check Positive Pay and ACH Positive Pay. Choose one or both, based on your business needs.

Get started

To learn more or sign up for Positive Pay, meet with a business advisor today—visit your nearest Mountain America branch or call 1-888-845-1850.

How Check Positive Pay works

  1. Create an online file with each check’s issue date, serial number and dollar amount.
  2. Mountain America will verify the checks and notify you if any records do not match.
  3. You can return any mismatched items.

How ACH Positive Pay works

  1. Create a white list of companies that are approved to debit your account.
  2. Mountain America will notify you if an unapproved company debits your account.
  3. You can return the item or add the company to your white list.

Positive pay FAQs

Is Positive Pay necessary?

All businesses can be targeted by payment fraud. Positive Pay is a great defense against counterfeiting. It is easy to use and can save you time, effort and money by reducing the potential for fraud.

How do you use Positive Pay?

Check Positive Pay will match checks issued by a company with checks it presents for payment. If the checks do not match, you will be notified. ACH Positive Pay will check the companies approved to debit your account. If an unapproved company tries to debit your account, you will be notified.

Fraud Protection Headquarters Training Videos

Initial Access

Setup Client Users



Transaction View

Consolidated Transaction Approval

ACH Positive Pay Training Videos


Client User Privileges

Notification Rules

Approved List

Blocked List

Transaction History


Check Positive Pay Training Videos

Quickbooks Account Register – Issue File Export

Quickbooks Reports – Issue File Export

Payee Positive Pay Tips & Best Practices

Reconciliation Reports and Reconciliation Periods


Scheduled Reports

Issue Warehouse

Issue File Status

Decision Dual Approval

Confirm Paying Exceptions

Client Pay & Adjust

Mass Pay & Issue

Transaction History

Issuance Dual Approval

Manual Issue Entry

Loading Issue Files

Additional Issue Fields

Issue Templates

Client User Privileges
