Make payday automatic

Direct Deposit

Save time by having your paychecks automatically deposited into your account.

couple hiking in the woods
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Skip the trip with direct deposit

Instead of picking up and depositing your next paycheck, have your employer make direct deposits to your savings or checking account. It’s faster, more convenient and more secure than manually cashing your paychecks.

There is no need to worry about lost or stolen checks, and your payment will reach your account the day the check is issued—even if you are out of town, sick or unable to make a deposit.

man hiking in red rock scenery

Benefits of direct deposit

  • Automatically deposits the check into your checking or savings account each payday
  • A safer and more convenient way to recieve your money
  • More control over your money and time—direct deposit is predictable and dependable

Direct deposit also is the best way to receive Social Security and other federal benefits. In fact, the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve’s Go Direct program requires seniors to have their Social Security checks directly deposited. Visit or call 1-800-333-1795 for more information.

Take advantage of direct deposit

Ask your employer to set it up for you today. You'll need your account number and Mountain America's routing number, 324079555, so make sure to have these handy. Or download our direct deposit form to provide to your employer.

Download the form

Direct deposit FAQs

Does my account number appear differently depending on its use?

Yes, your account number might look different depending on how it's used.

Most of the time, you'll see your account number as it appears on your account-opening documents. It is 1 to 8 digits long (for example, 123456).

Sometimes, like for direct deposits, your account number might be part of a longer number. In these cases, we add extra numbers at the beginning to determine if the money should go to checking, savings or a loan. For instance, the direct deposit number might look like this: 501000123456 or 021000123456.

If you’re not sure what number to use, or want to send money to a specific account, please call our service center for help.

Additional resources

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Save time and paper

Receive your monthly and quarterly statements electronically.

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Checking that rewards you

MyStyle® Checking rewards you with travel rebates, gift cards, cash back and more.