Future Ballerina Gets a Life-Changing Miracle Makers Surprise
13-year-old Mikeala DeBride is a talented ballet dancer whose dedication and passion for the art has fueled her dream to become a professional ballerina.
However, paying for lessons, costumes, shoes, tights, and competitions can get very expensive. The DeBrides spend thousands per year to help make Mikeala’s dream a reality.
Mikaela and her mother Christal spend hours traveling to and from the Arizona School of Classical Ballet in north Phoenix by bus. Some nights they don’t arrive home until midnight.
Tuition is quite expensive, so to help cut costs, Christal worked out a deal with the school’s owner, Hagop Kharatian, to clean the studio in exchange for a lower rate.
After seeing how hard her daughter and granddaughter were working, Grandma Sonja nominated them for a visit from the Miracle Makers.
Outside of the studio, Mikaela was surprised with flowers, balloons and news that she was being awarded with a scholarship to pay for another year of classes from Mountain America Credit Union. She also received a generous gift card from Dee’s Dance Gear to help cover the cost of shoes and tights.
The Miracle Makers are thrilled to help this young lady come one step closer to becoming a professional ballerina.
Mountain America is proud to partner with NBC 12 News to make dreams come true for members of our community! You can nominate a deserving person or family for a visit from the Miracle Makers by filling out the form here.