Financial Support Resource List
With everything going on these days, it’s hard to keep up with it all. Mountain America wants to make it easier for you to find the credible information and tools you may need to navigate through this crisis.
Mountain America Financial Advisors
Schedule a meeting
Banzai Financial Wellness
What is Banzai? Check out this video!
Financial Wellness Center
Stimulus check status—Get My Payment
Latest on tax relief and economic impact payments
Utah Department of Workforce Services
General information
Find a job
Post jobs and manage unemployment filings
Apply for assistance
Unemployment insurance claim information
Salt Lake metro area: 1-801-526-4400
Weber/Davis counties: 1-801-612-0877
Utah county: 1-801-375-4067
All other areas and out-of-state callers: 1-888-848-0688
Idaho Department of Labor
General information
COVID-19 information
Find a job
Find a COVID-19 essential job
Nevada Unemployment Insurance
Department of Employment COVID-19 information
General information
File a claim
Unemployment insurance claim information:
Northern Nevada: 1-775-684-0350
Southern Nevada: 1-702-486-0350
Rural areas and out-of-state callers: 1-888-890-8211
Arizona Department of Economic Security
Information hub
COVID-19 information
Apply for unemployment benefits
Find a job and other resources
General questions: 1-877-600-2722
Questions about a claim: 1-602-542-5954 or UIAClientAdvocate@azdes.gov
New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions
General information
COVID-19 information
Find a job
Apply for benefits online at www.jobs.state.nm.us or over the phone at 1-877-664-6984
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