Published: 10 MONTHS AGO
happy dog with his tongue out

Pet Photo Contest FAQs

About the Contest

When does the contest start and end?
The contest begins at 12:01 a.m. MT on June 3, 2024. Entries will close at 11:59 p.m. MT on June 14, 2024. Voting will close at 11:59 p.m. MT on June 16, 2024.

What are the prizes?
One grand prize winner will receive a $1,000 PetSmart gift card. Six additional winners will each receive a $100 PetSmart gift card.

How do I know if I won?
We will contact the winners via email. We will also announce the winners on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

What happens to the winning photos?
Mountain America may post the winners' photos on our social media pages, website and in our online quarterly newsletter.

Entering the Contest

How do I enter?
You can enter either through Facebook or Instagram or both. Then get at least 10 votes on your entry on our official contest page to become a semi-finalist.

  • Enter through Facebook by clicking the "Enter a Photo" button on our official contest page.
  • To enter through Instagram, make sure your profile is set to public, then post a photo to your Instagram account with the #MACUpet hashtag and tag @mountainamericacu in the post copy. Your photo will be automatically pulled into the "Vote for Entries" section of our official contest page. Note: Your profile MUST remain public for the duration of the contest to remain eligible.

How many times can I enter the contest?
Each person may enter the contest once through Facebook and once through Instagram. However, you may only win one prize.

Do I have to enter on both Facebook and Instagram?
No, it is not necessary to enter on both platforms.

I have more than one pet. Can I enter both into the contest?
Yes, your options are to: A) Use a photo with the pets together or B) Enter one pet through Facebook and the other through Instagram. Note: You may enter once through Facebook and once through Instagram, but you may only win one prize.

Do I need to use a recent photo?
You can enter any photo of your pet taken at any time.

My pet has passed away. Can I still enter a photo?
Yes, your pet was a dear friend and had a wonderful life. We would love to have you honor their memory with a photo in our contest.

Can I use a professional photo?
You may enter any photo of your pet, even if you are not the one who took it, as long as you own the rights to do so.

Can I use a collage of photos?
Yes, if it becomes a semi-finalist, the photo will be judged according to the same criteria as single photos.

Can I enter the same photo through Facebook and Instagram?
Yes, however, we recommend you enter a different photo in each platform. If both entries become semi-finalists, one will be removed during the judging round. Also, votes on separate entries will not be combined, even if they are the same photo. Note: You may enter once through Facebook and once through Instagram, but you may only win one prize.

Why won't it let me upload my photo?
Please make sure that your file is less than 15 MB in size and that you are using an acceptable file format such as .jpg, .png, .tiff or .jpeg. Also, please update your browser to the latest version. If you are still having trouble, please email and we will create your entry for you.

How can I edit/delete/change the photo I entered?
Please email and let us know what issue you are experiencing. If you have uploaded the wrong photo or want to switch out your photo for new one, we will need to delete your entry so that you may try again. Please note: Deleting your entry will erase all votes accumulated up to that point.

How do I find my photo?

  • If you entered through Facebook, click the "Enter a Photo" button again on our official contest page while logged into Facebook to bring up your confirmation page, then click the black "View Your Entry" button. Or, go to the "Vote for Entries" section and you can search for your entry with your Facebook name (there is a search box in the header).
  • If you entered through Instagram, go to the "Vote for Entries" section on our official contest page. Look for your photo in the feed or search for it using your Instagram username (there is a search box in the header).

How do I share my photo to get votes?

  • Facebook:
    After you complete your entry, you will see a "Share" button. Click or tap it to open the sharing options pop-up box. Use the social media icons or copy and paste your unique link to share with your friends. If you come back later to share your entry, please click the "Enter a Photo" button again on our official contest page while logged into Facebook and it will bring up the same "Share" button.

  • Instagram:
    After uploading your photo to your public Instagram account with the #MACUpet hashtag in the post copy, (don’t forget to tag @mountainamericacu) go to the "Vote for Entries" section on our official contest page. Find your photo in the feed or search for it with your Instagram username (there is a search box in the header). Click or tap the share icon button (it looks like three dots in a connected triangle) next to the vote button to open the sharing options pop-up box. Use the icons or copy and paste your unique link to share it with your friends.

My share link won't work. What can I do?
Go to the "Vote for Entries" section on our official contest page and find your entry in the feed (there is a search box in the header). Click on your entry to bring it up as a pop-up box. Then click on your name to go to your entry's page. Copy the page link in your browser's address bar (it will look similar to this: Send that link to your friends and they will be able to vote for you (they must have a confirmed Facebook account to do so).

Do “likes” on my Instagram photo count as votes?
No, only votes through our official contest page count toward the required 10 votes. To find your photo on our contest page, go to the "Vote for Entries" section of the contest page. Look for your photo in the feed or search for it with your Instagram name (there is a search box in the header).

Will the votes be combined if I entered the same photo through Facebook and Instagram?
No, votes on separate entries will not be combined, even if they are the same photo. Either or both can become a semi-finalist by reaching 10 votes individually. However, if both become semi-finalists, one will be removed during the judging round. Note: You may enter once through Facebook and once through Instagram, but you may only win one prize.

How many times can I vote?
Each person can vote for each entry one time during the contest period.

Why won't it let me vote?
In order to vote, you must confirm your vote by clicking the link in your email.

What happens when I get 10 votes?
Each entry that receives 10 or more votes will become a semi-finalist and advance to the judging round where a panel of judges will choose the winners.

Do the total votes matter after 10?
No, once you get 10 votes, your entry will become a semi-finalist and advance to the judging round where a panel of judges will choose the winners. All semi-finalists have the same chances of winning once they advance to the judging round.

Judging Round

How do I get to the judging round?
Your entry must receive 10 votes in order to become a semi-finalist. Semi-finalists advance to the judging round where a panel of judges will choose the winners.

How will the judges choose the winners?
One grand prize winner and six runners-up will be chosen. Judging criteria for the semi-finalists is based on, but not limited to, the following: personality, originality, creativity and technical quality.

Here are some general tips to get a great photo:

  • Use good lighting (natural light is usually best).
  • Show your pet's face.
  • Make sure your pet is in focus.

Please do not use a photo of your pet doing anything unsafe or illegal. Also, we ask that you please avoid using effects such as heavy filters, text overlays and graphics.

I am a previous winner. Can I enter again this year?
Yes, but please note: Previous winning photos cannot win another prize.

Have another question?

Please read the official contest rules, and if you still have a question, please email us at



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mountain america
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