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Miracle Makers Bring Relief to a Mom Getting Back on Her Feet


For the past three years, Christina Aquino has been living with one challenge after another, starting with a ruptured colon. In addition to the health issues stemming from the rupture—including multiple major surgeries and disability—she has also faced financial and emotional hardship.  
Christina’s boyfriend, Reggie, was looking for a way to lessen her burden. So, when he nominated her for a visit from the Miracle Makers, we jumped at the chance! You see, she’s preparing to start looking for a new job in 2022—and, that can be stressful for anyone, let alone someone who has been through what Christina has experienced.  
What did the Miracle Makers have in store for Christina? To start off, we interrupted the family’s breakfast to present her with $1,000 which will go a long way in rebuilding her work wardrobe. Then, the team whisked her off to receive an even bigger surprise.  
Watch the video above to see the rest of Christina’s story unfold. Miracle Makers is thrilled to have played a part in her new journey.  

Mountain America is proud to partner with NBC 12 News to make dreams come true for members of our community! You can nominate a deserving person or family for a visit from the Miracle Makers by filling out the form here.

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