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Warrior Cancer Survivor Receives Rooftop Surprise


A downtown rooftop is not typically where you would find a landscape photographer. But, when the Dream Team is on the case, it’s anything but ordinary!
This time around, Stephanie Hunt nominated her brother, Christian Peay, for a Dream Team surprise. Chris is a man of many talents—he’s a husband, a father of six, a deputy sheriff, a landscape photographer and a veteran. But it was his stage four colon cancer diagnosis, and subsequent fight, that presented his biggest challenge ever.
Not only did he have to battle cancer, but he had to do it during the pandemic. That meant no in-person family support. It was a difficult road, but Chris put his warrior costume on every day, and with sheer will he did it!
Now, cancer-free, standing on a city rooftop and able to take all the family hugs he can handle, the Dream Team has several surprises for Chris.
Watch the video above to see how the whole family will soon be able to celebrate Chris’ success—together. Let’s just say we can’t wait to see the beautiful photographs in his future!

Mountain America is proud to partner with Fox 13 News to make dreams come true for members of our community! You can nominate a deserving person or family for a visit from the Dream Team by filling out the form here.

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