Family of 9 Receives Incredible Gift from the Miracle Makers
For the Baldizan family, the bad luck started years ago in their previous home. Shortly after moving in, Julie and Jeremiah and their six children mysteriously started getting sick. The culprit? Mold in their HVAC system. During the arduous process of removing the mold, most of their belongings had to be discarded due to contamination. They spent a small fortune on a new air conditioning unit and duct work hoping that would do the trick, but they eventually ended up moving.
Julie and Jeremiah had a new home, a new baby and a fresh start. Finally, they could breathe easy. That was until they found that fiberglass had made it’s way into the duct work and particles had been blasted onto every surface in their home. Most of their possessions had once again been destroyed.
Throughout these unfortunate circumstances, Jeremiah has been working double shifts as a lineman to make ends meet. When the Miracle Makers found out about their story, they jumped in to help. Partnering with a local furniture retailer and landscaping company, the Baldizans received a new dining set for the family and a backyard oasis. Watch the video to see their emotional reactions.
Mountain America is proud to partner with NBC 12 News to make dreams come true for members of our community! You can nominate a deserving person or family for a visit from the Miracle Makers by filling out the form here.
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