Who Needs a Retirement Plan?
Many of us assume that the services of a wealth advisor are most appropriate for people who have more money than they know what to do with and those who can't make it from one paycheck to the next. The truth is everyone—regardless of age or financial status—can benefit from retirement planning. Here are some tips for each stage of life:
Starting young
With your whole life ahead of you, it’s easy to delay planning until later. Then, before you know it, too much time has passed. The key is to save as much as you can, as soon as you can. Start with $10, $20 or $50 a paycheck. When you get a raise, increase the amount. And don’t forget to take advantage of employer-sponsored plans like a 401(k).
Already have a plan
Retirement planning isn’t something you should set and forget. It’s wise to meet with an advisor at least once a year. They can help ensure your plan is on track and make adjustments if necessary.
Playing catch-up
Don’t get discouraged if you’re approaching retirement age but don’t feel prepared. With the proper planning and a willingness to save and invest, you can change your retirement outlook. The key here is to meet with an advisor as soon as possible.
Let’s talk
Our wealth advisors will evaluate your overall financial situation and recommend strategies to work toward your financial goals. Schedule your appointment today at macu.com/retirement or call 1-800-540-7670.
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