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Form vs. Function—Alice Lane Designer Says You Can Have It All | Guiding You Forward


You want your time at home to be special—gorgeous colors and fabrics, cozy places to sit and plenty of room for family fun. But where do you find inspiration to create these spaces? In this podcast episode, we chat with Jessica Bennett, founder and principal designer of Alice Lane Interior Design Whether you need inspiration to design your whole house or just one simple room, she has tips to personalize your space with the things you love.


Watch the video and learn:

  • What is currently inspiring Alice Lane in the design world.

  • How to get designer space-planning tips for free.

  • The best way to balance practicality and beauty.


Style, as we all know, is subjective. As the saying goes, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. So, when it comes to inspiration, it’s all about the client for Alice Lane. Where have they traveled? Are they enamored by the design of a certain decade? What colors make them happy? Watch the full episode to hear about a client of Jess’ who wanted her home to look like one in a certain movie—can you guess which one?


Want designer style without the price tag? Learn how to spruce up your space for free. Jess explains how, when Alice Lane first started as a retail furniture store, she and her co-designers would often stay after closing to create space planning for their clients. She says so many people wanted it, they just started offering this service to anyone—and it’s free.


Balancing practical needs with the beautiful features you want is not unattainable. Even with messy dogs and chaotic families, it’s possible to have a beautiful home that matches your style. Thankfully, Jess is here to tell us how designers can marry form and function in the best ways!


Watch this episode of the Mountain America Credit Union Guiding You Forward podcast for all the designer tips and tricks.

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