Put Your Cash to Work | Guiding You Forward
Have you ever considered adding certificate accounts to your savings strategy? On this episode of the Guiding You Forward podcast, we learn more about how to structure them for optimum dividends.
In this economy, many people are looking for more ways to save. Luckily, Chad Curtis, chief financial officer at Mountain America Credit Union, sits down in our podcast studio to discuss how adding a certificate account to your financial portfolio can grow your money faster than a traditional savings account.
Watch the video and you will learn:
- Why a certificate account is a smart money move.
- How to apply the right certificate strategy for maximum benefit.
- How to diversify your investment portfolio with certificates.
Call it whatever you like—CD, certificate, term deposit—it’s a smart money move right now. As interest rates are raised to control inflation, the savings rates on certificate accounts are going up as well. That means you can earn money faster! Tune in to the full video for more details.
Certificate accounts require you to put money away for a certain amount of time—typically six months to five years. Chad explains how to use a laddering strategy to ensure you have access to your money at regular intervals while still working toward your savings goals.
If putting your money in the stock market isn’t your idea of a safe investment, a low-risk investment like a certificate account may be just the ticket! Chad tells us why a diversified investment portfolio helps your money work harder for you.
Watch the full video above for more certificate tips. Get started on your saving journey today with Mountain America.
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