Mountain America Supports Youth Arts Education In Idaho
As the only organization of its kind in Idaho, participating in a Treasure Valley Children’s Theater (TVCT) program isn’t just about putting kids on stage—it’s an investment in a child’s future. Through the quality performing arts experiences provided by TVCT, children improve performance skills like projection, enunciation, concentration and character creation. Perhaps more importantly, these programs introduce children to important life skills such as creative problem solving, working under pressure, managing disappointment, teamwork and increased self-confidence. Mountain America Credit Union has been a proud supporter of TVCT since 2017, sponsoring their annual theatrical performances that reach thousands of Treasure Valley youth and families.
This year has certainly presented its challenges for TVCT. They were in the final dress rehearsal on March 12, 2020, for the largest production of the year, "Mary Poppins, Jr.,” with 240 students enrolled in in-person theater education programs. By April 1, they moved all students into a virtual classroom to continue their spring programs. Fundraising efforts are underway to support a new digital performance and the development of complimenting teacher curriculum. The year has also brought opportunities—their Education Team brokered a partnership with Boise Online School and the West Ada Virtual Schoolhouse to provide Drama Club programs for online students.
Mountain America selected Treasure Valley Children’s Theater as a partner in Idaho because they are changing the world one theater kid at a time. In discussing the partnership, Kersey says, “Gratitude isn't the right word. The work we do is so much greater than producing plays and providing education. Mountain America gets it. They get it in a way that makes it possible for TVCT to go from a handful of classes with a few students and two productions per year to year-round education, reaching over 1,000 kids throughout the Treasure Valley and a full season of shows featuring both adult and youth actors. Mountain America’s investment in TVCT has been critical to our ability to increase our impact in the Treasure Valley.”