Dream Team: Brandon's Story
This month, the Mountain America Dream Team surprised Brandon Furgeson. Brandon is a 27-year-old suffering from a rare genetic disorder called Wolfram Syndrome, which has rendered him deaf, diabetic, with his eyesight slowly diminishing. To keep him as active as possible, even as his condition worsens, the Furgeson's got Brandon a dog, hoping to train it as his service animal.
Tank, Brandon's new best friend, has been in training with Krysta Jones, a service dog trainer, for several weeks. The cost of the full battery of lessons, however, are prohibitively expensive. That's where the Dream Team comes in—paying for Tank's service lessons in full! Once Tank graduates from the program, he'll be able to guide Brandon and alert him when someone is at the door or when his insulin pump beeps.
But the Dream Team didn’t stop there! Brandon and Tank also received a $1,000 gift card to PetSmart to ensure Tank has everything he needs as well as a gift card to Chili's so Brandon can chow down at his favorite restaurant.
Mountain America is proud to partner with Fox 13 News to make dreams come true for members of our community! You can nominate a deserving person or family for a visit from the Dream Team by filling out the form here: bit.ly/MACUdreamTeam
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