Mountain America Announces The Adoption Exchange as February's "Pass it Along" Recipient
National statistics reveal that 50% of foster children who do not find permanent homes and age out of the system will drop out of high school, 20% will be homeless within two years, and another 50% will develop substance dependence. After a child turns eight, their chances of getting adopted decrease significantly, and drops again once they reach their teens. The Adoption Exchange helps foster children find permanent homes, many who face barriers to adoption due to age and trauma. Finding loving homes for children, regardless of age, reduces the chances of incarceration and mental health issues and improves the chances of graduating from college and being successful in life.
Mountain America and the Utah Jazz are pleased to announce The Adoption Exchange as this season’s fourth “Pass it Along” recipient. The Pass it Along, a program that recognizes local nonprofits making a difference in the community, has donated $175,000 to more than 30 local nonprofits since its inception in 2013. Fans are encouraged to nominate deserving charities via www.utahjazz.com/passitalong. During the 2019-2020, one monthly winner will receive $5,000 from November 2019 to March 2020.