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3 Ways to Keep Your Resolutions on Track


It’s almost the end of January. If you’re like most of Americans (58% according to Statistic Brain), you will abandon your New Years’ resolutions by the end of the month. The good news here is that people who make specific resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than those who don’t. So, if you feel like your financial resolutions may be falling off the wagon, now is the time to reevaluate and strengthen your commitment. Here’s 3 tips from Mountain America Credit Union:

  1. Cut expenses where you can.
    When money is tight, it’s easy to refocus money from your retirement account into day-to-day living expenses. But don’t let this become a habit. Examine your budget and eliminate unnecessary spending. Look for and plug leaks like redundant technology, food and entertainment overspending, retail therapy and being unprepared for minor emergencies. Most importantly, start tracking your expenses. Knowing where your money is going is half the battle.

  2. Reevaluate your goals.
    If you can’t stick to your resolutions, they may be too big or general. Instead of promising to “save for retirement,” set smaller, step-by-step goals. Resolutions don’t need to take all year or … forever! Instead, break down the steps for what it would take to get to your goal and decide which ones can be done simultaneously. These are your resolutions. When you complete those, add the next steps. It’s so much easier to keep attainable resolutions!

  3. Stay motivated.
    Now that you’ve set new resolutions, it’s important to keep them at the top of your list—how you choose to do that is up to you. If you need accountability to spur you forward, sharing your progress publicly (on social media, with a buddy or with your financial advisor) can give you the support you need. If you’d prefer to keep your goals private, write them down or post inspiring pictures in a place you see every day. It may also help to repeat your resolutions out loud every day. Remember to speak as if each goal has already happened—I’m making regular contributions to my retirement account which makes me financially prepared for the future. You’ll soon find you’ve completed your goal and can move on to whatever’s next.

Even if you falter, it doesn’t mean you have to fail. If your resolutions are important to you, reevaluate the goal and find something that works for you!

Mountain America Credit Union has a team of financial advisors that can help you plan for your future—whatever that looks like. They can even help you develop goals to get you there faster! Check them out online and set an appointment today.

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