Dream Team: Bingham High School's Bob Ruff
Retirement isn’t for everyone, and it certainly didn’t suit 70-year-old Bob Ruff, also know as Bingham High School’s “lunchroom grandpa.” After suffering a stroke, Ruff wasn’t content spending all day at home feeling sorry for himself. Once he felt good enough to return to work, he decided to take a volunteer position at Bingham High School working in the lunchroom as a cashier in hopes of making an impact on the lives of young people.
Since joining the staff, Ruff has become a staple at the school and is known for his cheerful disposition and large collection of Bingham High swag, much of which was acquired from thrift stores. Ruff is also an avid gardener and can often be found tending to his yard and flowers on the weekend.
The Mountain America Dream Team decided to surprise Ruff with not only a John Deere riding lawn mower, to help with his weekend duties, but also a $500 gift certificate, which Ruff says will be used to see the sights around Utah. Woodside Homes also presented him with a custom letterman’s jacket to add to his Bingham High School apparel.
Check out the video to see how the Mountain America Dream Team surprised him while he was at work!
Mountain America is proud to partner with Fox 13 News to make dreams come true for members of our community! You can nominate a deserving person or family for a visit from the Dream Team by filling out the form here: bit.ly/MACUdreamTeamOpens a New Window.
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