Mountain America Provides Free Financial Education to Over 12,000 Community Members in 2019
A 2018 study from the Center for Financial Services Innovation found that only 3 in 10 Americans are financially healthy. With many financial habits being established by age 7 and 84% of Americans ages 18-26 not feeling optimistic about their economic future, Mountain America recognizes the need to provide free education to all ages. In 2019, Mountain America offered free in-person financial education events to over12,000 community members. Some of these efforts included:
The Mountain America VIP Nights at Loveland Living Planet Aquarium provided free financial education and access to the aquarium exhibits to over 3,500 people.
The second annual Kids’ Cash Fair featured activities targeted to help children establish a healthy relationship with money.
Mountain America’s high school presentations taught students basic money concepts, including budgeting, making practical financial choices, and wise use of credit.
Over 3,000 college students at 11 universities learned how to be financially successful throughout their life through the Young Money University program.
Mountain America partnered with over 60 community partners to offer free, customized workplace and public seminars.
In addition to in-person events, Mountain America offered financial education to thousands more through Banzai and Deseret News Publications. Banzai, an interactive educational platform, uses real-life experiences to teach kids, youth, and adults about money. Distributed directly to classrooms and posted online, the Deseret News Life is Expensive and Money Matters publications give the community access to free financial articles.
For more information about seminars or to access free financial articles, visit the Learning Center on macu.com.