Dream Team Fraundsie YTplay

Brigham City Woman Crafts Her Way Into Community’s Heart, Making a Difference for Seniors


Life in a retirement community or care facility can be lonely—but Fraundsie Richardson makes it her mission to help seniors feel seen and loved. She works tirelessly to prepare evening meals and get her fellow seniors to and from appointments. She also loves using her crafting skills to make and share different items.

Around the care center, Fraundsie is known for crafting small cards that are blank inside. Her hope is that people will feel inspired to write a kind message to someone else. Her efforts have a ripple effect that travel far in her community, and is hasn’t gone unnoticed.

“Sometimes she gets so sick because she’s done so much for somebody,” shares Fraundsie’s daughter. “We used to tell her, ‘You need to stop, you need to slow down, you need to think about yourself.’” She then explains her mom would always insist on giving her whole heart to those who need to feel it most and would then continue to go out and serve.

The Dream Team was honored to recognize Fraundsie’s dedication to others and pay her a surprise visit! Watch the video above to learn about the special gifts she received as thanks for her beautiful expressions of love and kindness.

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