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A Sweet Surprise for a Dedicated Salt Lake Woman


Joyce Downward is not your typical grandmother. At 91, this Salt Lake City resident still has a job—working three to four days a week at Cummings Chocolates. She loves what she does but sometimes, since she no longer drives, she has a hard time getting to work.   

Joyce’s daughter, Leisa Lingwall, nominated her mother for a visit from the Dream Team in hopes of alleviating some of the stress Joyce feels when her children aren’t able to jump in and be her driver.  

Not only did the Dream Team bring plenty of gifts for Joyce, she was also able to share the special moment with members of her family right there in the front of the Cummings Chocolates store.   

Watch the video and see how we were able to bring this spunky 91-year-old a much-deserved surprise she’ll always remember!  

Mountain America is proud to partner with Fox 13 News to make dreams come true for members of our community! You can nominate a deserving person or family for the Dream Team by filling out the form here.

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