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The Miracle Makers Surprise Veteran with Long-Awaited Honeymoon


Kind and willing to be the first to help in any situation, Humphrey McCarter is one in a million. His reputation for being selfless, hardworking and having a positive attitude has made him a favorite among his coworkers. Behind this Army and Navy veteran’s humble exterior is a man who has endured many hardships—experiencing homelessness, battling a rare eye disease and kidney failure.

Humphrey married the love of his life 19 years ago and he and his bride, Shrrell, dreamed of going on a beautiful honeymoon. But when a wildfire interrupted their plans, that was put on hold. As time went on, and challenge after challenge came their way, the couple thought a vacation was just never going to be in the cards. Now, years later, the Miracle Makers are surprising them with the trip they never had—and so much more!

The perfect day began when Humphrey was mysteriously given a sports coat and boutonniere and asked to put them on. As he walked around the hedges at the Wigwam Resort where he works, he heard his beautiful wife singing a love song. When his eyes met hers, he saw her standing at an altar holding a bouquet of flowers. Once Humphrey made his way to his wife, friends and family watched as the couple renewed their vows.

After the ceremony, the newly committed McCarters celebrated with an intimate reception where they were told they would finally be taking that honeymoon. Where are they going? With the help of the Miracle Makers, Humphrey and Shrrell will be headed to Ohio to see their grandson play basketball for Youngstown State University for the first time.

Mountain America is proud to partner with NBC 12 News to make dreams come true for members of our community! You can nominate a deserving person or family for a visit from the Miracle Makers by filling out the form here.

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