Mountain America Announces Utah Parent Center as January's "Pass it Along" Recipient
The Utah Parent Center provides children, youth, and young adults with disabilities the critical tools and resources needed to live included and productive lives as members of the community. Each year, they serve 25,000 community members, allowing parents to become advocates for their children and, in turn, develop a care plan that is unique to their child’s needs.
Mountain America and the Utah Jazz are pleased to announce Utah Parent Center as this season’s third “Pass it Along” recipient. Since its inception in 2013, the Pass it Along program has donated $170,000 to more than 30 local nonprofits. Designed to recognize local nonprofits making a significant impact in the community, fans are encouraged to nominate deserving charities via www.utahjazz.com/passitalong. During the 2019-2020, one monthly winner will receive $5,000 from November 2019 to March 2020.